Reclaim your energy
Burnout and Stress Therapy in Melbourne and Australia-Wide
When’s the last time you felt truly relaxed?
You’re always busy doing something, yet there’s always more to do
Have you spent the week swamped in tasks and chores, but hit the weekend and feel like you’ve got nothing to show for it except more to do? Or finally had some time to yourself, but spent it overwhelmed about everything else you need to do, and couldn’t enjoy it at all. Maybe you’ve hit breaking point, and worry you need to quit your job to get relief.
There’s endless priorities, and none of them are you…
You’ve been “too busy” for fun things, hobbies, or time out with friends for a long time now
You’re thinking about work, chores at home, or the future leaves you feeling overwhelmed and anxious
You’re getting physical symptoms of stress - headaches, tiredness or insomnia, tightness in your chest or throat
There’s no “me” time, only time that you “should be getting things done” and feel guilty that you aren’t
Let’s reclaim your time and energy
Find your biggest energy drains and decide whether they’re worth what you’re putting in
Learn to prioritise what’s important to you, and stop letting other people’s priorities take over
Reconnect to your passions, values, and what brings you joy- for your sake
Recognise the signs of burnout before they hit, so you can protect yourself before it becomes a crisis
Here’s what we’ll do together
Start putting you at the top of your To Do list, and become a priority
Putting yourself first sounds simple, but we know it’s not. Everything feels important, and you’re the only one who can sort it out.
Counselling for stress and burnout can help you look at the choices you’re making with more intention so you don’t become the default solution to everyone else’s problems, and build boundaries that feel comfortable and worth maintaining. Rediscover your strengths and passions, and how to let go of guilt and shame so you can truely enjoy your down time.
Together we’ll:
Question the automatic assumptions and norms that keep you trapped
Learn to recognise the warning signs that a situation or habit is causing you harm, and what to do next
Reconnect you to your values, and learn how to prioritise what’s important to you
Develop strategies to calm overwhelm when it appears in the moment
Life can’t only be a slog from task to task, you deserve to enjoy the journey, and choose how your time is spent.
Break the pattern
Gain the confidence you deserve
Say “no” without guilt to what isn’t serving you
Regain the energy to see friends, have hobbies, and live your life again
Listen to your needs, and can trust your instincts to help guide you
Become the author of your story, and be proud of your decisions
Find your Energy
Find Your Energy
No! “Occupational burnout” is probably the best known form, but it’s not the only one. Anything that takes up all your time and energy, and leaves you feeling worse at the end of the day, can lead to burnout.
If you’re Neurodivergent, you may have experienced “Neurodivergent Burnout”, the stress of constantly working to fit in and “be normal” around others.
Stress is short-term, situational, and makes you feel high-energy and intense. Burnout is long-term, gets worse the longer it’s ignored, and leaves you exhausted and apathetic.
Long-term stress can lead to burnout, and while stress should stop when the situation does, once burnout hits, the road to recovery is longer and more complex.
Stress looks different for each of us, but a few common symptoms include:
Physical: Increased heart rate, headaches, muscle tension, fatigue.
Emotional: Anxiety, irritability, frustration.
Cognitive: Difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts.
Behavioral: Procrastination, overeating, or other coping mechanisms.
If you’re noticing stress building in your life, reach out early- the longer you leave it, the higher the risk of burning out entirely.
Burnout can look different from person to person, and depending on what led to burning out- you might have no energy in one area of your life, but still feel energised in others. Broadly, here’s what to look out for:
Physical: Constant exhaustion, frequent illnesses, lack of energy.
Emotional: Feelings of detachment, apathy, hopelessness, or cynicism.
Cognitive: Difficulty remembering things, a sense of futility ("nothing I do matters").
Behavioral: Withdrawal, reduced productivity, neglecting responsibilities.
Once you hit burnout, it can take time and major changes to your life or routine to start feeling better, so don’t wait: you can’t “push through” burnout, and the earlier you notice the signs, the easier the path to recovery can be.